INL sTaTbOy! - Hall of Twink and Rewl
INL Hall of Twink and Rewl
The Best of the Best and the Worst of the Worst. The following records
and statistics have been compiled from all available PW
statistics in the sTaTbOy! archives. Due to some missing statistics
(particularly from the first years of INL), some of these records may not
be the best ever achieved in the INL.
Did you know that ... ?
- only 2 bases have more than 25 Carried Armies Killed in one game: Hanz and Lorena Bobbit with 31 and 26
- Dr. Stupid holds the record for highest Potential Carriers Killed: 27
- 10 bases have died with 25 armies, of which half had 0 Carried Armies Delivered.
- the highest recorded TOF is 217, the lowest 11.
- PhaserPractice is only base that died with armies (17) in less than a minute of play
- FisherKing carried a staggering 118 armies and delivered 83% of them. Only 6 other players have over 100 TAC in a game
- the lowest TOF for an SB is 43.402; the highest is 161.582
- of the players with the top 25 TAC, delta9-THC has the highest PAD of 92. The runners up include three others, BFP-9000!, Helicon, and AKUMA...!, all with 90 PAD
- only one player was ogged +25 in SB more than once: StarSlayer
- MoonStone died 118 times in one game, creating a record 43 enemy carriers in 83 minutes. No other player has more than 40 ACC's, and only applejax, with 38 ACC's, has over 35
- a record high of 27 armies met their demise through friendly fire from Grimjack
- wedgie neutralized 16 and took over an astounding 31 enemy planets in 96 minutes, delivering 77% of his 114 TAC. The runner up is delta9-TMC with 25 TPT
- delta9-TMC holds the record of 20 Total Planets Destroyed.
- Shade holds the highest SB Kills Per Hour ratio ever recorded, with 540! He demolished 9 ships for 12.867 kills, then died...all in 1 minute.
- 176 times did ender die from enemy fire, 23 times of which created enemy carriers. There are only two others with more than 150 DEF: Sam I Am and Nocan.
- Mojo Riser has played 2123 minutes (35.4 hours) using one handle.
- Only two players have killed more than 2 friendly carriers: rawhide and halcyon, each with 3 FCK's
- only one player killed over 150 enemies...Charity, with 156.
- Zephlin ogged 46 enemy armies; Ogre, the runner up, has 40 EAO
- 5 bombers incinerated over 250 armies (all in Regulation), and only one has over 260 TAB: Napalm
- Napalm is also the only bomber to have over 100 TPB, at 106.
- ewok rapist is the only base to either carry or deliver more than 200 armies, and he did this in Regulation Time.
All-time INL Records by PW Statistic Category
All-time King Crimson Style Statistics
The following King Crimson Statistics rank all individuals with over 30 minutes
of INL play time since the Fall 1993 season. The overall basing scores
use Erik Lauer's formula.
TOP Overall INL Players
Overall Basing Scores (lasting at least 30 minutes)
Top score lists in each PW-style Statistic category
- GAM - Number of Games Played.
- MIN - Numver of Minutes Played.
- TPT - Total Planets Taken.
- TPD - Total Planets Destroyed.
- TPB - Total Planets Bombed.
- TAB - Total Armies Bombed.
- TAC - Total Armies Carried.
- PAD - Percentage Armies Dropped.
- CAK - Carried Armies Killed.
- TAD - Total Armies Dropped.
- FAO - Friendly Armies Ogged.
- EAO - Enemy Armies Ogged.
- TOF - Total Offense. - Low scores first.
- ECK - Enemy Carriers Killed.
- PCK - Potential Carriers Killed.
- TEK - Total Enemies Killed.
- RATIO - Kill ratio (TEK/DEF)
- FCK - Friendly Carriers Killed
- DEF - Deaths by Enemy Fire.
- ACC - Actual Carriers Created. - Low scores first.